Pro Brake Pad
Pro Brake Pads
Premium Brake Pad
Premium Brake Pad
Premium Brake shoes
Premium Brake shoes
Cv Brake Pad
Cv Brake Shoes
Brake Lining
Brake Lining

Brake Lining


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Brake Lining

Brake linings are one of the most important components of any braking system, requiring reliable, safe, and exceptional performance materials.

That's why we decided that FTC Brake Linings must be designed for optimal stopping power, maximum lining life, and minimal drum wear,also will meet the most demanding on-road conditions for almost every make and model of vehicle.

Also FTC Brake Linings are Asbestos free rigid moulded higher friction (FF) material possesses excellent physical strength, superior cross braking, shear, tensile & rivet holding compared to non-Kevlar moulded material. Non Asbestos brake linings (af-999) have excellent wear characteristics, i.e. “Double Life” compared to other world class brake linings and are compatible with mating surfaces.

Our Brake Linings can be used in a wide range of applications, in every kind of weather because they are designed and engineered with the finest, most dependable friction materials, delivering low heat conductivity and minimal lining wear.

Our high quality brake linings provide outstanding braking performance, combined with the ultimate fit to perfectly bond to any shoe diameter.